How to Design Teams, Space and Careers for Better Team Science; a Practical Guide
Dr. Claire Smith, The University of Manchester, UK; Ms. Ruth Norris, The University of Manchester, UK; Mrs. Charlotte Stockton Powdrell, The University of Manchester, UK; Ms. Rachel Chown, Manchester Research Centre, Manchester UK; Dr. Amanda Lamb, The University of Manchester, UK
The objectives of this workshop are for participants to be better able to i) Understand and devise an effective professional development framework for a diverse team; ii) Explore and apply strategies to assist in designing the most effective team for a proposed piece of research at the grant application stage ; iii) Consider how the physical research environment can be designed to facilitate team science The goals and expected outcomes from the session are: i) To improve the development pathways, opportunities and outputs of non-academic research team science roles beyond Manchester and the UK by ensuring that workshop participants understand how to create such a framework and the value of doing so ii) To increase the diversity and impact of research teams by ensuring that team structure and design are appropriately considered at the grant application stage iii) To increase knowledge and consideration of the positive contribution that the design of physical research environment can elicit for Team Science projects
We represent an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary population, collaborating with colleagues from within our University (Manchester, UK) and between our local hospital organisations. Our team science approach has been working successfully for several years and, whilst we haven’t always used the term ‘team science’, we certainly operationalise it on a daily basis and continue to increase awareness of this important and developing approach. SciTS attendees will benefit by gaining an understanding of how our approach to Team Science has developed over the last decade and accelerated over the past 12 months, with practical examples, which participants can implement within their own organisation. Specifically, attendees will gain an insight into how non-traditional roles are increasingly playing an essential cross-boundary/facilitation role but are often constrained by a lack of development opportunities. The development framework created for the Research Program Manager’s Network is having a positive impact in this space and will be utilised as an exemplar. In addition, participants will be informed about our approach to team diversity for maximum research output as well as the significant impact that the bespoke design of research spaces to facilitate optimal opportunities for team science can provide.